Student Success Statement "The best recreation is to do good" William Penn I agree with this quote because you have to do good in order to create something good.I think it is saying good is something you need to have to be a good person and you will create positive images.
Police Officer Duties and Responsibilities: there job to help people in danger and help out at any crime.
Salary: it starts with 49k and it will raise up to 88k Education: High school Diploma Add a Picture: Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why Not? yes I would want to be one because you get to help people and you get payed well. Also because you get to solve crimes and arrest bad people.
I agree with this quote because if you read it carefully you'll understand what its trying to say that when you do something right it is right but when you do something wrong it will stay wrong.
Duties and Responsibilities: Relaxation in the body to integrate the mind body, and soul. It can also be used to be in shape and be healthy. Salary: $36,900- $66,530 Education: Training fitness certificate Add a Picture: Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? why? Why not? No I don't think I'd like to be one because It looks difficult to do and I'm not flexible to do that but it does look like fun and relaxing maybe I could try it out some day.
Student Success Statement " Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often." Peter Vidmar
I agree with this quote because it's saying to not waste your wanting now maybe stop and take it slow while thinking about what you really want. I think it's saying to take time to do something you wanna do and no rush into it, or maybe you might have thought wrong and you wanted to do something else.
Chromotherapy or Color Therapy Duties and Responsibilities: An alternative medicine method to balance energy for physical mental problems. Salary: $30,000- $40,000 Education: take classes get a certificate or diploma Add a Picture:
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why Not? I don't think I'd like to be one because it doesn't really interest me even though its a job to help people it doesn't really suit me .