Student Success Statement

"It may make a
difference to
all eternity
we do right or
wrong today."
-James Freeman Clark
Reflection: I agree with James I
think hes trying to say that everyday
is important even if you do wrong.
Everyday counts as long as you
live it. I think hes saying that everyday
something happens and it makes a
Film Director
Duties and responsibilities: Directing Movies or Commercials write scripts, use their vision of their creativity
salary: 257 million per year
Education: Bachelors or masters degree in training of film theory and technical skills through a certificate program
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one?Why? Why Not?
Yes I would like to be a film director its one of the things I'd like to do when I grow up. I would want to become a good director that can create movies in the future. Guillermo Del Toro is one of my favorite directors because his movies are the best Pans Labyrinth is one of them. I also like the movie "El Orfanato" which is a Spanish movie.
Student Success Statement
"The best way to predict your future
is to create it."
Charles Ketterer
Reflection: I agree with this quote.
I think that in order for you to have a good
future you should always plan ahead. If you
want to be a famous singer or actor or what ever
you should try hard to succeed it. I think Charles
did this and this is why he is sending this message
to people so they can succeed their future goals.
Bless You
Why? Why are these words spoken?
This saying is said because people back then believed that when you sneeze your soul escapes your body through the nose and when you said bless you it would stop the devil from claiming the free soul.
When? When did this saying originate?
This originated in AD 590
How? How did this saying originate?
This was said by Pope Gregory I it was first said from him
Where? Where did this saying originate?
This saying originated in Rome
Student Success Statement
"Ask yourself is it right or wrong
and act accordingly."
Otto Graham, Jr.
Reflection: I think he is trying to say
that before you do something you
should stop and think if its right because
if you do something without thinking
it could of been a wrong thing to do.
So you should always ask yourself to
think before you act and always act
Health Information Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: They keep medical records safe and organize information data.
Salary: $47,620
Education: Associates Degree or professional certificate
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why Not?
I think I wouldn't want to be one because I don't want this job I would want a better job to get paid better.
Student Success Statement
"Act well your
part; there all
honor lies."
Alexander Pope
Reflection: I think this quote means that he is saying that if you act well
it means there all a good thing. Honoring is a lie unless you do your part right.
Environmental Health Specialist
Duties And Responsibilities: A person who checks for illnesses infections or of any insect in places they shouldn't be
Salary: $51k
Education: Bachelors Degree
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why Not?
No I wouldn't because it is a boring job. I don't think I would like to be doing such a thing even though you get payed well it doesn't interest me.