Student Success Statement
"In any moment
of decision,
the best thing you
can do is the
right thing."
Theodore Roosevelt
Reflection: I agree with with this quote because doing the right thing is good. I think this quote means that if you make a good decision to do good then it makes you look good. You should always do the right thing.
"Life Planning Progress Post"
I achieved 6 of my goals from my life planning notebook. I don't have all 100 yet but little by little I am starting to achieve a few. One of my goals was to help the people in need and when ever I see someone in need I like to donate money or what ever I have in my pocket. I need a composition book because I have a spiral notebook instead. Another goal I have achieved was to write a song and I finally composed my first song. I also achieved my goal in playing a new instrument which was the piano.
Medical Surveillance Technician
Duties and Responsibilities: they identify conditions patients have of their health
Salary: $39,000
Education: They need to be taking medical classes
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
No because I don't think this job is good for me. I'm not planning to work as a doctor in the future.
Student Success Statement
"Make each day your
You have to apply
yourself each day to
become a little better,
and over a period of time
you become a lot better."
John Wooden
Reflection: I agree with this quote because you have to make everyday count as your life gets better. I think he is right you should always try harder each day and you will get better at things learning from mistakes etc. Each day counts to be successful in life.
Military Medical Opportunities
One Military medical opportunity is being a Animal Care Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Provide routine daily care for animals in veterinary treatment or research and development facilities
- Perform physical examinations to detect obvious abnormalities and reports findings to veterinarian
- Calculate doses and administers oral and topical medications as directed by the veterinarian
- Assist veterinarian in surgical procedures and perform euthanasia when instructed by veterinarian
Salary: $29,710
Education: Emergency medical techniques, patient care techniques
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I think I would join the army to help my country. I would volunteer to help because this helps us become a stronger country and working with animals would be a fun and easy job.
Western Oregon v.s Central Washington
I think that Sarah was an excellent softball player. I think she deserved that home run and those two girls that helped her make the home run really are good people.If that ever happened to someone I know who plays I would be that person to do the same.
I think that Sarah's knee injury was a tragedy for her because she could never play again but its a good thing she accomplished her goal to do a home run. She thought she couldn't do it because of her height but in the end she made it.

Student Success Statement
Do the right thing
at the right time.
"It's a great moment
when someone has
character to step up
and do the right thing
at the right time."
Pam Knox
Reflection: I agree with this quote because its saying that its a good thing when someone has the courage to stand up for someone
else at the right moment than to not do anything at all.
If someone ever needs help in a bad situation you should
always help that person.